Vestibular - Unijuí



Conteúdo editores

Graduate Program in Regional Development

Master’s and Doctorate Degree

Grade 4

Master of Science: Structure of its Curriculum

Total amount of class hours: 450
Total amount of credits: 30
Version: 2015

Code Subject School Hours Credits Summary
P9405 Research Methodology in Social Sciences 30 2
P9406 Seminar on the Master thesis 15 1
P9408 Organizational Theory 30 2
P9404 Theories of Development 45 3
Total: 120 8

Nucleus of Elective Subjects

The student hast to proof at least 14 credits in elective subjects

Code Subject School Hours Credits Summary
P9409 Public Administration and Development 30 2
P9410 Analysis of Development Situations 30 2
P7219 Development and Environment 30 2
P7806 Strategy and Organizational Change 30 2
P9417 Strategical Marketing Management 30 2
P9204 Social Management 30 2
P9418 Innovation and Development 30 2
P9421 Development Projects 30 2
P9422 Corporate Social Responsibility 30 2
P0265 Special Issue: Socioeconomic and Environmental Indicators 30 2
P0264 Special Topic: Public Policies on Labor and Income 30 2
P8468 Special Topic: Sociology of Development 30 2
P9227 Special Topics 30 2
P8567 Special Topic: Entrepreneurship and Development 30 2
P8566 Special Topic: Finance and Corporate Governance 30 2
P9420 Market and Production Chains 30 2
Total: 480 32

Nucleus of Applied Research Subjects

Code Subject School Hours Credits Summary
P0268 Thesis 90 6
P0267 Thesis Project 30 2
Total: 120 8

Nucleus of Complementary Subjects

Code Subject School Hours Credits Summary
P6698 Teaching Traineeship 30 2
P6706 Methodology of Higher Education 30 2
Total: 60 4

Doctorate degree

1. Specific

Code Subject School Hours Credits Summary
P0112 Development Dimensions and Scales 45 3
Total: 45 3

1.1 Research Line - Public politics and Social Management

Code Subject School Hours Credits Summary
P0114 Planning Policies and Territorial Development 30 2
P0131 State, Democracy and Public Politics 30 2
Total: 60 4

1.2 Research Line - Entrepreneurial Management

Code Subject School Hours Credits Summary
P0115 Strategy, Entrepreneurship and Innovation 30 2
P0116 Organizational Management and Territorial Governance 30 2
Total: 60 2

1.3 Research Line - Territorial Development and Management of Production Systems

Code Subject School Hours Credits Summary
P0117 Regional Development 30 2
P0118 Production Systems and Development 30 2
Total: 60 2

2. General Subjects

Code Subject School Hours Credits Summary
P9409 Public Administration and Development 30 2
P9410 Analysis of Development Situations 30 2
P7219 Development and Environment 30 2
P9587 Teaching Traineeship 30 2
P6698 Teaching Traineeship 30 2
P7806 Strategy and Organizational Change 30 2
P9417 Strategical Marketing Management 30 2
P9204 Social Management 30 2
P9418 Innovation and Development 30 2
P9420 Market and Production Chains 30 2
P9405 Research Methodology in Social Sciences 30 2
P9421 Projects of Development 30 2
P9422 Corporate Social Responsibility 30 2
P9408 Theory of the Organizations 30 2
P9404 Development Theories 45 3
P0265 Special Issue: Socioeconomic and Environmental Indicators 30 2
P8567 Special Topic: Entrepreneurship and Development 30 2
P8566 Special Topic: Finance and Corporate Governance 30 2
Total: 240 16

3. Oriented Activities

They support the guidance of the counselor in study sessions, academic activities, and directed research, as well as in the project qualification and final thesis advocacy groups. The execution of such activities by the students occurs under the supervision of teachers of the Program during the Course (1st to 8th semester)

Code Subject School Hours Credits Summary
P0132 Qualifying of the Thesis 90 6
P0133 Thesis Defence 180 12
Total: 270 18

4. Thematic Seminars

They happen during the course (1st to 8th semester). They are given mainly by invited teachers and offered during the course. These seminars also carry out an exchange function with other institutions and the credits are allocated according to their programming. In cases of doctoral or equivalent academic activity carried out in a Brazilian or foreign university, through an exchange agreement with the Graduate Program in Regional Development, the student may request the use of these activities as Thematic Seminars.

Code Subject School Hours Credits Summary
P2391 Thematic Seminars I 15 1
P2392 Thematic Seminars II 15 1
P2393 Thematic Seminars III 15 1
P2394 Thematic Seminars IV 15 1
Total: 60 4

5. Thesis Seminars

Mandatory for doctoral students from the third semester, they set the moment of definition of the research project and aim at the extended and collective discussion of thesis intention

Code Subject School Hours Credits Summary
P2390 Thesis Seminars 45 3
Total: 45 3

Graduate Program in Regional Development

Master’s and Doctorate Degree

Grade 4

Faculty and Coordinator

Within a period of 24 months, and previous to the Thesis Defense Banking, the doctoral candidate must  have passed a foreign language proficiency examination carried out by the Department of UNIJUÍ responsible for the area of letters, or by an external institution officially accredited for this purpose by the Official bodies of promotion to Graduate Courses in the Country.

The proficiency exam for the Master's Course must happen in one of the following foreign languages: English, Spanish, French, Italian or German.

Graduate Program in Regional Development

Master’s and Doctorate Degree

Grade 4

History and Proposal of the Program

Activities of Graduate Program in Development began in 2002. Its evaluation 2010-2012 attests the strength and quality of the program and places it among the best Master programs in Brazil in its field of knowledge.

The Masters and Doctorate (this since 2016) courses in Regional Development aim at qualifying researchers and professionals capable of understanding and critically interfering in social processes and challenges of regional development, having interdisciplinarity as a methodological reference and developing socially constructed areas as a research theme.

Target Audience

Target audiences are Graduates in Higher Education (for the Master's degree) and Masters of Science (for the Doctoral degree) graduated in Humanities and Social Sciences  -- Administration, Economics, Accounting, Agrarian and Political Science, Law, Psychology, Communication , Informatics, Social Service, Architecture, History, Geography, Sociology or other courses ‑- and areas that have some relation to socioeconomic development.

Graduate Program in Regional Development

Master’s and Doctorate Degree

Grade 4

Faculty and Coordinator

Permanent Faculty

Name E-mail Title Lattes Master Doctorate
Airton Adelar Mueller Doctor View lattes
Argemiro Luis Brum Doctor View lattes
Daniel Knebel Baggio Doctor View lattes
David Basso Doctor View lattes
Denize Grzybovski Doctor View lattes
Dieter Rugard Siedenberg Doctor View lattes
Dilson Trennepohl (Coordenador) Doctor View lattes
Fernando Guilherme Tenório Post doctoral View lattes
Gerhard Wassenberg Doctor
Jorge Oneide Sausen Post doctoral View lattes
Leonir Terezinha Uhde Doctor View lattes
Lurdes Marlene Seide Froemming Doctor View lattes
Martinho Luís Kelm Doctor View lattes
Nelson José Thesing Doctor View lattes
Romualdo Kohler Doutor View lattes
Sandra Beatriz Vicenci Fernandes Doctor View lattes
Sergio Luis Allebrandt Doctor View lattes

Graduate Program in Regional Development

Master’s and Doctorate Degree

Grade 4

Concentration area and lines of research

Managing Organizations and Development

Research line: Business Management

It covers studies about territory development possibilities focusing on intra and interorganizational arrangements and relationships, competitiveness, strategies and organizational and territorial changes. It covers topics related to knowledge management, innovation and entrepreneurship, management of organizational systems, decision-making processes and decision support systems, business, markets and interinstitutional relations, as well as governance and social responsibility.

Research line: Public Policies and Social Management

It covers a set of topics related to the study of conceptions of State and society and the planning, management and analysis of public policies. It addresses the themes of governance, intra- and intergovernmental relations, political-administrative decentralization, and the organizational architecture of the State apparatus in its different spheres and powers, giving emphasis to new institutional arrangements in the management of public services, and to issues of local power as well as urban and regional planning. It discusses also the territorial governance and social management of development, stressing the systems and networks of participation and social control in a perspective of deliberative democracy.

Research line: Territorial Development and Management of Production Systems

It covers themes related to the study of interactions between global processes and trends, and local and regional development dynamics; the characteristics of the existing production systems, their market dynamics, their internal and external economic relations and their articulation in production chains or local production arrangements; potentiality, viability and sustainability of the different Production Systems, as well as their economic, social and environmental impacts on local and regional development. Analysis and interpretation of reality, elaboration of strategies and planning of intervention actions in the processes of territorial development, environmental management and production systems.

Graduate in Networked Professional Master: Physical Education


Scholarships depend on normative instructions to be published. Please contact

Graduate in Networked Professional Master: Physical Education

History and Proposal of the Program

The Master's Program in Physical Education in nationwide network is a partly e-learning course carried out by a network of higher education institutions within the frame of the Open University of Brazil (UAB). It is coordinated by UNESP.

This Program attends physical education teachers in basic education - especially of public schools - who seek improvement in their teacher training.

Target Group

Teachers of physical education in primary education, especially of public schools, who seek improvement in their teacher education.

Graduate in Networked Professional Master: Physical Education

Faculty and Coordinator

Permanent faculty

Name E-mail Title Lattes
Fernando Jaime González Doctor View lattes
Maria Simone Vione Schwengber Doctor View lattes
Paulo Carlan Doctor View lattes
Paulo Evaldo Fensterseifer Doctor View lattes
Sidinei Pithan da Silva (coordinator) Doctor View lattes

Graduate in Networked Professional Master: Physical Education

Curriculum Structure

Total amount of class hours: 630
Total amount of credits: 42
Version: 2018

Complementary Activities

Code Subject School Hours Credits Summary
P7570 Introduction to the Platform Ava 15 1
P7572 Organization of Events / Projects in Schools (Contextualization) 0 2
P7571 Taking Part in Events / Publishing 0 1
P7573 Taking Part in Group Research 0 1
Total: 75 5


Code Subject School Hours Credits Summary
P7501 School, Physical Education, and Planning 60 4
P7502 Teaching Methodology of Physical Education 60 4
P7500 Problems of Physical Education in Schools 60 4
P7505 Research Seminars in Physical Education 90 6
P7569 Final Paper Viva 30 2
P7568 Qualification Exam 30 2
Total: 330 22

Elective / Compulsory Subjects

Code Subject School Hours Credits Summary
P7551 Physical Education in Primary School 60 4
P7509 Physical Education in Preschool 60 4
P7552 Physical Education in Secondary School 60 4
P7503 School, Physical Education and Inclusion 30 2
Total: 90 6

Elective Subjects: Corporal Practices

Code Subject School Hours Credits Summary
P7504 Research and Pedagogical Intervention 30 2
P7563 Teaching of Capoeira 2
P7561 Teaching of Circus Activities 30 2
P7564 Teaching of Physical Activities of Adventure 30 2
P7560 Teaching of Dancing 30 2
P7559 Teaching of Gymnastics 30 2
P7562 Teaching of Wrestling 30 2
P7555 Teaching of Health Care 30 2
P7556 Teaching of Adapted Sports 30 2
P7553 Teaching of Invasion Sports 30 2
P7558 Teaching of Marker, Field and Club Sports 30 2
P7554 Teaching of Net or Wall Sports 30 2
P7565 Teaching of Games 2
Total: 90 6

Graduate in Networked Professional Master: Physical Education

Concentration Areas and Research Lines

  • Physical Education in Schools
  • Movement in Child Education
  • Physical Education in the Primary School
  • Physical Education in the Secondary School


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    A ESGN oferece estrutura para educação corporativa desenvolvida sob medida, formulação de programas de trainees e intercâmbios internacionais, tudo isso concentrado em uma unidade de negócio com a credibilidade da marca Unijuí.

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