Vestibular - Unijuí



Conteúdo editores

Empresa vencedora da 1ª Olimpíada Empreendedora é incubada pela Criatec


Vencedora da 1ª edição da Olimpíada Empreendedora de 2015, a Infobus, que tem como objetivo desenvolver aplicativos para dispositivos móveis foi incubada pela Criatec e agora recebe toda orientação necessária para se estruturar e manter-se enquanto empresa. 

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Palestra sobre “Empreendedorismo em Ambientes de Inovação" abre a Olimpíada Empreendedora


A segunda edição da Olimpíada Empreendedora Unijuí terá sua abertura oficial nesta quinta-feira, 17 de março, com programação a ser desenvolvida nos Campi Ijuí, Santa Rosa, Panambi e Três Passos. 

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UNIJUÍ realiza a segunda edição da Olimpíada Empreendedora


Segunda edição será realizada entre os meses de abril e novembro, com duas fases, uma local e outra regional.

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Programação do evento por campi:



A Community and Regional University

Educating and qualifying professionals with technical excellence and critical social consciousness, capable of contributing to the region's integration and development. This is the mission of Universidade Regional do Noroeste do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul - Unijuí (Regional University of Northwestern Rio Grande do Sul), a community institution of regional nature located in northwestern Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.

UNIJUÍ has nearly 60 years acting in higher education and it has campuses in the cities of Ijuí, Santa Rosa, Panambi, and Três Passos.

In these regions, UNIJUÍ offers to its 10,000 students traditional and distance undergraduate programs, postgraduate and graduate programs, with particular emphasis on its six Master´s degree programs and three Doctoral programs.


Unijuí's history dates back to the 50's when, in search for qualification and legal authorization for pedagogical work and activities in secondary education, the state's Franciscan Order of Friars Minor Capuchin as well as the community of Ijuí and the regional society began a mobilization in support of higher education implementation.

This movement achieved the creation in 1956 of Ijuí's Faculty of Philosophy, Sciences and Letters (Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras de Ijuí - FAFI), pioneer in higher education in the northwestern region of the state. In 1969, FAFI's assets are transferred to the Foundation of Integration, Development and Education of Northwest State of Rio Grande do Sul (FIDENE), now the sponsoring institution of Unijuí, Diretor Pestana Anthropological Museum, Francisco de Assis Basic Education Center, and Unijuí Educational Radio.


President : Dr. Cátia Maria Nehring

Vice-President for Undergraduate studies: MSc. Cristina Eliza Pozzobon

Vice-President for Graduate Degrees: Dr. Fernando Jaime González

Vice-president for Administration: Dr. Dieter Rugard Siedenberg

Prorector campus Santa Rosa: Dr. Ariosto Sparemberger

Prorector campus Panambi: Prof. Nelson José Thesing

Prorector campus Três Passos: Prof. Fátima Marlise Marroni Rosa Lopes

Leisure and Culture

Unijuí performances significant culture, sports and leisure projects which disseminate concepts such as integration, civil rights and life quality. So there is the Anthropological Museum Diretor Pestana and its vast regional memory preserving collection; the Unijuí Choir that promotes Unijuí by music; and the dancing, wrestling and gymnastics performing Cadagy Company.



Company CADAGY / UNIJUÍ counts on Acrobatic Gymnastics, Dance, Capoeira and Kung Fu Group, made up of students from various University courses. It performs presentations at the opening of events, exhibitions fairs, university events, and it participates in various community sub-projects in Ijuí, thus fulfilling the objective of forming a creative and expressive group capable of elaborating differentiated and attractive choreographies to represent the University in artistic-cultural events.

Choral Unijuí

Foto Choral

The UNIJUÍ Choir is an integration environment between university and community that brings culture in the form of music to different audiences. For more than 20 years the history of the UNIJUÍ Choir takes part in the cultural history of the region, bringing joy by music.

The group is made up of students, teachers, staff, alumni, and community members.

Ethnic Diversity

Ijuí, where are situated Unijuí’s main campus and its headquarters, is known as Land of Diverse Cultures, housing an important movement coordinated by the Ethnic Union of Ijuí with its yearly National Festival of Diverse Cultures. Ijuí, settled in one of the most fertile regions of Rio Grande do Sul, was the first settlement project of the Brazilian Republic. In 1890 it was inhabited mainly by three different groups of immigrants: Polish, Germans and Italians. The peculiarities of the town attracted new immigrant waves, among them Latvians, Portuguese, Austrians, Afro-Brazilians, Swedish, Spanish, Arabian, and Dutch ones. This ethnic and cultural diversity enriches exchanging experiences of foreign exchange students at Unijuí.

International Relations

Unijuí encourages actions to strengthen the relationship with foreign educational institutions, enabling the student to develop scientific and knowledge exchange through academic mobility. This takes place through partnerships with international institutions


Foreign students (incoming)

Unijuí is an institution recognized by the Ministry of Education. Its multicampi structure, qualified teachers and laboratories offer all necessary support for an academic formation of excellence.

The School Year for in-class courses runs from approximately mid-February to mid-December, with up to 4 weeks of vacation in July.

Enrollment:Enrollment for foreign students enrollment is not online. The student must submit his application to the Office of International Relations of Unijuí, which will guide the candidate. Enrollment for the first semester usually opens mid-December; for the second semester it begins in July. Deadlines are extended until the beginning of class.

Students interested in mobility should observe the following guidelines:

Unijuí has some 10 thousand students distributed in 4 campuses located in 4 towns. The Ijuí campus is the largest one and has a student house with some opnenings reserved for foreign exchange students.

Vacancies: currently the number of study places is not restricted.

Duration of Exchange: A mobility student can attend up to two semesters at Unijuí.

Academic Fees: Unijuí is a community, non-state university. Its students pay for their studies. The current bilateral exchange agreements signed by Unijuí with foreign partner universities however exempt exchange students from paying for studies.

Selection of Study Plan in Graduation: If you have questions, please contact the Foreign Affairs Office:

Scholarships: In the respective Brazilian embassies of their country, applicants from African and Latin American countries may apply for scholarships (free studying) from the Undergraduate and Graduate Program called PEC-G and PEC-PG. Check out the regulations and the considered countries:

Study Visa: Brazilian legislation categorically imposes that foreign students may only enroll in Brazilian universities when they hold a study visa. This study visa must be requested at the nearest Brazilian embassy or consulate in the candidate’s country of origin.


UNIJUÍ has a built area of 74,000 square meters, offering over 450 teaching and research environments:

  • 162 labs;
  • 93 practical teaching classrooms;
  • 177 classrooms;
  • 16 amphitheaters and auditoriums;
  • 09 sport spaces.

Academic environments which benefit the regional community directly:

  • Physical Rehabilitation Unit
  • Physioterapy and Psychology Clinics;
  • Nursing and Nutrition Offices;
  • Legal Assistance Offices;
  • Veterinary Hospital;
  • Farm School, denominated as Regional Institute of Rural Development.

UNIJUÍ Publisher: it has published 823 new titles (from 2012 to 2015).

The University Library offers more than 369,000 volumes and virtual bases.

Convênios (Foreign affairs)

Foreign affairs have figured significantly at Unijuí. Currently it has agreements with higher education institutions in several countries, having received students from Guinea Bissau, Angola, Cape Verde, Panama, Paraguay, Germany, Poland, Spain, Austria and Chile. Unijuí has exchange programs with higher education institutions such as the University of Tübingen, Germany; Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain; and University of Porto, Portugal. In postgraduate studies, international scientific cooperation occurs through joint research and exchange of researchers and university teachers of the programs developed by the Institution.

Research & Innovation

Unijuí strongly contributes to scientific and technological development in its region

As a university, Unijuí assumes as one of its primary responsibilities its contribution to scientific and technological development of the country through research. Unijuí invests in strengthening of research groups by encouraging regional interaction, in formation of networks of researchers, interaction with companies and in national and international scientific cooperation.

Fostering research

  • Ressearcher - Annually, notices are issued for teachers and students interested in developing research.
  • Student - Learn how to participate in the programs of scientific initiation fellowships and technological initiation and innovation.
  • Advising - Technical support to researchers, support to funding and promote partnerships.

Linking University and Company

  • Entrepreneurship - Encouraging the creation of your company, offering the infrastructure and support in the administration of your business.
  • Technologic Innovation - Support for innovation and technology transfer.


Incubator for Technologic Innovation - Criatec

Its mission is to leverage entrepreneurship and innovation in the region of UNIJUÍ, seeking to receive projects where technology represents high added value or companies from traditional branches that want to add value to their products through technological increase.

Criatec's vision is to be the regional promoter of innovation-driven small and medium-sized enterprises, providing infrastructure and support in the management of its business, with a view to growing companies and strengthening the regional economy.

The goals of Criatec are:

  • to foster the creation of enterprises by advice;
  • to improve and intensify technology transfer;
  • to create skilled and long-lasting jobs;
  • to attract and link know-how to the region;
  • to promote the emergence of a technology park;
  • to foster change in the local economic structure;
  • to create and encourage a climate of innovation in the region;
  • to encourage cooperation between local actors.

Incubator for Solidary Economy, Development and Social Technology - ITECSOL

The general objective of the Incubator is to contribute to the strengthening of the actions that promote the Solidarity Economy. The aim is to ensure that collective relations of work and income generation are increasingly strengthened and that the individuals involved are increasingly qualified to participate, organize self-management processes and ensure social, economic, political, cultural and ecological sustainability.

Technological Innovation

Unit for Innovation and Technology

Its main mission is the interaction between university and company, expecting so to generate concrete benefits for UNIJUI and the whole society through knowledge produced at the University. See some of the activities developed:

  • Promotion of technological development: promotion of an innovative culture by organizing events for students and regional audiences in order to foster an entrepreneurial culture to develop innovations and technologies.
  • Protection of intellectual property: registering industrial property and copyrights at national and international bodies, as well as the follow-up for record keeping. It is of fundamental importance for every researcher that, when designing a project idea, he or she contacts NIT / AGIT to receive the necessary assistance to ensure the success of the research.
  • Technology transfer: it focusses on the negotiation of the technology transfer process from the University to the productive sector, being responsible for administrative and legal referrals. It also comprises the processes of technology transfer to society and to other institutions / research centers.

Benefits to Exchange Students

An exchange relationship with foreign cultures means both sending students abroad as well as hosting foreign students. Unijuí has a Foreign Affairs Office that provides all information related to academic exchange as well as it assists foreign students while studying at Unijuí. Unijuí offers foreign exchange students free housing places in its student’s hall Unicasa. It is an excellent place to live straightly together with Brazilian young people. Besides the student hall, those towns where Unijuí has its campuses offer a good array of lodgings and houses that can be rented by students.


  • Unijuí FM
  • EFA
  • Museu
  • Futuro Aluno
  • Sinergia
  • Comunic@
  • Galerias de Imagens
  • Graduação
  • Transporte e Hotelaria

    Com o intuito de viabilizarmos a sua permanência na Instituição, arrolamos abaixo informações acerca de transporte universitário, pensões, imobiliárias, hotéis e restaurantes existentes em cada Campi que compõem a instituição.

    Vale destacar, que estes dados são meramente informativos. Se desejar mais informações, deverá contatar diretamente com a empresa fornecedora do serviço.

  • Egresso Unijuí

    Estivemos com você durante um período importante da sua vida. A caminhada durante a sua formação profissional é o marco para o início de uma carreira de sucesso. Participar deste momento nos enche de orgulho e satisfação! Por isso, queremos continuar ao seu lado, oferecendo o suporte necessário para as suas conquistas.

    Para reforçar ainda mais este relacionamento a Universidade criou o Programa Egresso UNIJUÍ. Neste sentido, convidamos você a efetivar o seu cadastro.

    Este cadastro irá oportunizar o acesso a benefícios institucionais que estão sendo formulados especialmente para você! Além disso, você estará conectado a tudo que acontece na Universidade, e receberá dicas importantes sobre o universo profissional, vagas de emprego, entre outros, e terá acesso a Biblioteca Universitária Mario Osorio Marques, que dispõe do maior acervo bibliográfico da região.

    Seja bem-vindo ao programa Egressos Unijuí. Mais do que os anos de convivência, você é parte importante da nossa história!

  • Relações Internacionais

    A Unijuí incentiva ações para fortalecer o relacionamento com outras instituições de ensino, possibilitando ao aluno desenvolvimento científico e troca de conhecimento através da mobilidade acadêmica. Ela acontece por meio de parcerias com instituições internacionais de todo o mundo. Entre em contato e saiba mais sobre as possibilidades de intercâmbio.

    Programa de Doutorado Sanduíche no Exterior

  • Blog Tá Ligado
  • Mestrado e Doutorado
  • ESGN

    A ESGN / UNIJUÍ – Escola Superior de Gestão e Negócios promove excelência em desenvolvimento corporativo e formação de líderes empreendedores para perfis de referência no mercado. Oferta cursos de Especialização, MBAs, Aperfeiçoamento e Qualificação Profissional com conteúdos desenvolvidos pela Unijuí ou por demanda do cliente.

    A ESGN oferece estrutura para educação corporativa desenvolvida sob medida, formulação de programas de trainees e intercâmbios internacionais, tudo isso concentrado em uma unidade de negócio com a credibilidade da marca Unijuí.

  • Roupas Institucionais - Produtos
  • Biblioteca
  • Associação IPD
  • Aprimora
  • Olimpiada Empreendedora
  • Salão do Conhecimento
  • Site - English

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