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Graduate Program in Integral Health Care

Master's Degree

Grade 3


UNIJUÍ Masters Scholarships are granted in quotas annually redefined. It grants partial scholarships of 50% of the monthly fee as well as integral scholarships. In order to win the scholarship, it is necessary to obey a ranking established in the selection process by the Program, and to have no employment relationship with UNIJUÍ. In addition, the grantee must devote at least two shifts a week to the activities of the Program when benefiting from a partial scholarship, and four shifts per week when benefiting from a full scholarship. Check the resolution (only in Portuguese).

Funding in specific notices: CAPES / FAPERGS, CNPq, CAPES, Exchange Scholarships with Doctorate CAPES.

Graduate Program in Integral Health Care

Master's Degree

Grade 3


Concern of the course is to develop a solid theoretical base of interdisciplinary nature, and, according to interests, to allow students to deepen the research on Integral Attention to Health.

Professionals trained in the course are expected to build skills and competencies that enable them to design, formulate and implement actions, social policies and health education, as well as to develop applied research to solve specific problems in these different fields. In addition, it enables to act in Higher Education in the area of health.

Proficiency in foreign language

Students must have passed an English proficiency examination before submitting the dissertation defense application to the Course Coordination.

The Proficiency examination may be carried out by institutions of higher education or by an officially accredited institute for this purpose.

Graduate Program in Integral Health Care

Master's Degree

Grade 3

The Graduate Program in Integral Health Care is an inter-institutional project with an interdisciplinary characteristic offered in a broad association between the University of Cruz Alta (UNICRUZ) and the Regional University of the Northwestern Rio Grande do Sul (UNIJUÍ).

The program develops research, produces scientific knowledge and trains critical and reflexive professionals capable of intervening in reality and in the context in which individuals and population are inserted. It trains researchers, teachers and other professionals to work in the area of health, having interdisciplinarity as a methodological reference and integral health care as a fundamental theme.

Target Audience

The target audience of the proposed Program is composed of graduate professionals in the health field, and of professionals trained in related areas (Chemistry, Biology and Physics).

Graduate Program in Integral Health Care

Master's Degree

Grade 3

Faculty and Coordinator

Permanent faculty

Name E-mail Title Lattes Master Doctorate
Janaina Coser Doctor View lattes
Janice de Fatima Pavan Zanella (Coodinator) Doctor View lattes
Roberta Cattaneo Horn Doctor View lattes
Rodrigo Fernando dos Santos Salazar Doctor View lattes
Paulo Ricardo Moreira Doctor View lattes
Gabriela Bonfanti Azzolin Doctor View lattes
Rodrigo de Rosso Krug Doctor View lattes
Adriane Cristina Bernat Kolankiewicz Doctor View lattes
Eliane Roseli Winkelmann Doctor View lattes
Eniva Miladi Fernandes Stumm Doctor View lattes
Evelise Moraes Berlezi Doctor View lattes
Ligia Beatriz Bento Franz Doctor View lattes
Mirna Stela Ludwig Doctor View lattes
Thiago Gomes Heck (Coordinator) Doctor View lattes

Graduate Program in Integral Health Care

Master's Degree

Grade 3

Curricular Structure

Compulsory Subjects

The compulsory subjects aim to provide the foundation of the research in Integral Health Care as well as a basic training on a set of reflections around the thematic axis common to the two lines of research of the course.

Elective Subjects

These disciplines aim to provide a solid theoretical and practical formation. These elective curricular components, although common to the Course, are intended to allow each Master's student to compose his / her curriculum purposeful to his / her pre-project.

Master in Integral Health Care – curriculum 2018

Compulsory Disciplines

Discipline CH Nº CR
Epidemiology 30 2
Education in Health 30 2
Public politics in Health 30 2
Research in Health I 30 2
Research in Health II 30 2
Celular and Molecular Biomarkers of the People 30 2
Physiopathology of Non-Transmissible Cronic Diseases 30 2
Total: 210 14

Elective Subjects

Discipline CH Nº CR
Physiologic Bases of Physical Exercises for Special Populations 30 2
Physical Rehabilitation of Non-Transmissible Cronical Diseases 30 2
Nutritional Evaluation and Intervention in Individuals and Populations 30 2
Chemical and Biological Experiments Applied in Health 30 2
Experimentation in Animal Models 30 2
Total: 150 10

Supervised Activities

Discipline CH Nº CR
Supervised Activities I 15 1
Supervised Activities II 15 1
Supervised Activities III 15 1
Supervised Activities IV 15 1
Supervised Activities V 15 1
Total: 75 5

Themed Seminar

Discipline CH Nº CR
Themed Seminar: Interdisciplinary Approach in Health 30 2
Total: 30 2

Graduate Program in Integral Health Care

Master's Degree

Grade 3

Concentration area and research lines

  1. Health-disease-care processes

    This line investigates health care at different stages of life. In an interdisciplinary way, it studies epidemiological, health and educational aspects, and it focusses on protection, care, rehabilitation and prevention of risks, injuries, intercurrences and therapeutic modalities in health.

  2. Chemical and biological processes in health

    This line develops experimental and applied research in an interdisciplinary way. It investigates and develops biomarkers through in vitro studies with animal and human models. It includes the production of scientific knowledge in order to subsidize and qualify health care.


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  • Egresso Unijuí

    Estivemos com você durante um período importante da sua vida. A caminhada durante a sua formação profissional é o marco para o início de uma carreira de sucesso. Participar deste momento nos enche de orgulho e satisfação! Por isso, queremos continuar ao seu lado, oferecendo o suporte necessário para as suas conquistas.

    Para reforçar ainda mais este relacionamento a Universidade criou o Programa Egresso UNIJUÍ. Neste sentido, convidamos você a efetivar o seu cadastro.

    Este cadastro irá oportunizar o acesso a benefícios institucionais que estão sendo formulados especialmente para você! Além disso, você estará conectado a tudo que acontece na Universidade, e receberá dicas importantes sobre o universo profissional, vagas de emprego, entre outros, e terá acesso a Biblioteca Universitária Mario Osorio Marques, que dispõe do maior acervo bibliográfico da região.

    Seja bem-vindo ao programa Egressos Unijuí. Mais do que os anos de convivência, você é parte importante da nossa história!

  • Relações Internacionais

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    Programa de Doutorado Sanduíche no Exterior

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  • ESGN

    A ESGN / UNIJUÍ – Escola Superior de Gestão e Negócios promove excelência em desenvolvimento corporativo e formação de líderes empreendedores para perfis de referência no mercado. Oferta cursos de Especialização, MBAs, Aperfeiçoamento e Qualificação Profissional com conteúdos desenvolvidos pela Unijuí ou por demanda do cliente.

    A ESGN oferece estrutura para educação corporativa desenvolvida sob medida, formulação de programas de trainees e intercâmbios internacionais, tudo isso concentrado em uma unidade de negócio com a credibilidade da marca Unijuí.

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