Institucional - Unijuí



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Graduate Program in Law

Master degree

Grade 4


Possibilities of scholarships for the Master’s degree:

  • UNIJUÍ Master’s Scholarships are granted in quotas defined annually. Partial scholarships of 50% of the monthly fee are granted in addition to full scholarships. In order to get the scholarship it is necessary to obey a ranking order of the students in the selection process established by the Program and not have an employment at UNIJUÍ. In addition, you must have at least two shifts a week to dedicate yourself to the activities of the Program when you benefit from a partial scholarship, and four shifts a week when you benefit from a full scholarship. Check out the resolution (Portuguese only).

Development agencies  like CAPES / FAPERGS, CNPq, and CAPES eventually grant through specific notices and regulations.

Graduate Program in Law

Master degree

Grade 4

Linguistic Proficiency

Within a period of 24 months, and before the thesis Defense Board, the student must  have passed a foreign language proficiency examination carried out by the Department of UNIJUÍ responsible for the area of letters or by an external institution officially accredited for this purpose by the Official bodies of promotion to the Stricto Sensu Postgraduate Courses in the Country.

The approval of the proficiency exam for the Master's Course must be in a foreign language, and the English, Spanish, French, Italian and German languages are accepted by the Program.

Graduate Program in Law

Master degree

Grade 4

History and Proposal of the Program

The creation of the Graduate Program in Law and the implementation of the Master Course in Human Rights in 2012 was the result of a work carried out by the Department of Legal and Social Sciences, by the Master Course in Development (particularly its research line in Law, Citizenship and Development) and the Research Group on Human Rights and Development. The Program aims at generating and consolidating research and scientific production through the training of researchers, teachers and other professionals qualified to work in the field of law and related areas. It has interdisciplinarity as a methodological reference as well as the recognition, institutionalization and protection of human rights as its fundamental subject. The program also intends to intervene in reality through critical reflection and the search for alternatives that may contribute to a greater awareness of the centrality of human rights, democratic societies and their greater effectiveness within States and at international level.

Target Audience

The main target audience of the Master Course are Law Graduates and professionals from related areas.

Graduate Program in Law

Master degree

Grade 4

Faculty and Coordinator

Permanent Faculty

Name E-mail Title Lattes 
André Leonardo Copetti Santos Doctor View lattes
Daniel Rubens Cenci Doctor View lattes
Doglas Cesar Lucas Doctor View lattes
Elenise Felzke Schonardie Doctor View lattes
Enio Waldir da Silva Doctor View lattes
Gilmar Antonio Bedin (Coordenador) Doctor View lattes
Ivo dos Santos Canabarro Doctor View lattes
Janaína Machado Sturza Doctor View lattes
Luís Gustavo Gomes Flores Doctor View lattes
Maiquel Ângelo Dezordi Wermuth Doctor View lattes
Mateus de Oliveira Fornasier Doctor View lattes
Véra Lucia Spacil Raddatz Doctor View lattes

Collaborating Faculty

Name E-mail Title Lattes 
Anna Paula Bagetti Zeifert Doutor View lattes
Jóice Graciele Nielsson Doutor View lattes

Graduate Program in Law

Master degree

Grade 4

Concentration area and lines of research

Fundamentals and Implementation of Human Rights

The problem of the founding of human rights. Historicity and universality of human rights. State, citizenship and fundamental rights. State, public policies and social inclusion in Brazil. Cultural diversity, minorities and recognition. Social vulnerability, violence and citizenship. Justice system and human rights. History, memory and human rights.

Research Line: Democracy, New Rights and Development

Rule of law, human rights and equity. Information society, human rights and citizenship. Globalization, transnationality and democracy. Environment, sustainability and development. Consumer society and citizenship. The right to the city, democracy and social inclusion. Human rights, new technologies and socio-legal resiliency. Education in Human Rights, public policies and the right to health.

Graduate Program in Mathematical Modeling

Master's and Doctoral Degree

Grade 4

Structure of the Curriculum

Total amount of class hours: 480
Total amount of credits: 32
Version: 2015/1

Master of Science Degree

Obligatory Subjects

Code Subject School Hours Credits Summary
P0075 Scientific Computing I 60 4
P0076 Ordinary Differential Equations 60 4
P0078 Numeric Methods 60 4
P0077 Mathematical Modeling I 30 2
P0079 Introduction to Research 30 2
Total: 240 16

Subjects of Applied Research

Code Subject School Hours Credits Summary
P0081 Seminar on the Thesis 30 2
P0082 Thesis Work 90 6
P0080 Research Work 30 2
Total: 150 10

Complementary Subjects

Code Subject School Hours Credits Summary
P9587 Teaching Practice Internship 30 2
P6706 Methodology of Higher Education 30 2
Total: 60 4

Elective Subjects

Code Subject School Hours Credits Summary
P0085 Scientific Computing II 30 2
P0097 Computational Fluid Dynamics (Cfd) 30 2
P0098 Dynamics of Fluids in Porous Media 30 2
P0089 Dynamics of Nonlinear Systems 30 2
P0087 Partial Differential Equations I 30 2
P0088 Partial Differential Equations II 30 2
P0099 Transport Phenomena 30 2
P0101 Identification of Systems I 30 2
P0102 Identification of Systems II 30 2
P0084 Instrumentation and Data Acquisition 30 2
P0086 Artificial intelligence 30 2
P0109 Discrete Element Methods 30 2
P0090 Finite Element Methods 30 2
P0091 Optimization Methods 30 2
P0093 Matrix Methods I 30 2
P0094 Matrix Methods II 30 2
P0096 Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 30 2
P0107 Kinematic Modeling of Industrial Robots 30 2
P0108 Dynamic Modeling of Industrial Robots 30 2
P0083 Mathematical Modeling II 30 2
P0100 Constitutive Models of Materials 30 2
P0103 Control Systems Design 30 2
P0110 Artificial neural networks 30 2
P0106 Sensors and Actuators, Technologies and Applications 30 2
P0095 Theory of Probability and Statistics 30 2
P0092 Search-based Optimization Techniques 30 2
P0104 Special Topics in Software Engineering 30 2
P0105 Special Topics in Scientific Programming 30 2
Total: 840 56

Doctorate degree

Complementary Subjects

Code Subject School Hours Credits Summary
P9587 Teaching Internship (obligatory for holders of grants from CAPES) 30 2
P6706 Methodology of Higher Education 30 2
Total: 60 4

Subjects on Applied Research

Code Subject School Hours Credits Summary
P9739 Qualification Exam 60 4
P9735 Thesis Seminar 30 2
P9736 Research Work I 30 2
P9737 Research Work II 30 2
P9738 Research Work III 30 2
P9740 Working on the Doctorate Thesis 30 2
Total: 210 14

Elective Subjects

Code Subject School Hours Credits Summary
P0085 Scientific Computation II 30 2
P0097 Computational Fluids Dynamics (Cfd) 30 2
P0098 Dynamics of Fluids in Porous Media 30 2
P0089 Dynamics of Non Linear Systems 30 2
P0087 Partial Differential Equations I 30 2
P0088 Partial Differential Equations II 30 2
P0099 Transport Phenomena 30 2
P0101 System Identification I 30 2
P0102 System Identification II 30 2
P0084 Instrumentation and Data Acquisition 30 2
P0086 Artificial Intelligence 30 2
P0109 Discrete Element Methods 30 2
P0090 Finite Element Methods 30 2
P0091 Optimization Methods 30 2
P0093 Matrix Methods I 30 2
P0094 Matrix Methods II 30 2
P0096 Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 30 2
P0107 Kinematic Modeling of Industrial Robots 30 2
P0083 Mathematical Modeling II 30 2
P0100 Constitutive Models of Materials 30 2
P0103 Control Systems Design 30 2
P0106 Sensors and Actuators, Technologies and Applications 30 2
P0095 Theory of Probability and Statistics 30 2
P0092 Search-based Optimization Techniques 30 2
P0104 Special Topics in Software Engineering 30 2
P0105 Special Topics in Scientific Programming 30 2
P0108 Dynamic Modeling of Industrial Robots 30 2
P0110 Artificial neural networks 30 2
Total: 840 56

Obligatory Subjects

Code Subject School Hours Credits Summary
P0075 Scientific Computing I 60 4
P0076 Differential Equations 60 4
P0070 Introduction to Research 30 2
P0078 Numeric Methods 60 4
P0077 Mathematical Modeling I 30 2
Total: 240 16

Graduate Program in Mathematical Modeling

Master's and Doctoral Degree

Grade 4

Scholarships for Master of Science

UNIJUÍ Masters Scholarships: are granted in quotas defined annually. Partial scholarships are granted, of 50% of the monthly fee, in addition to full scholarships. In order to win the scholarship, it is necessary to obey a ranking order of the students in the selection process established by the Program and not have an employment relationship with UNIJUÍ. In addition, you must have at least two shifts a week to dedicate yourself to the activities of the Program when you benefit from a partial scholarship, and four shifts a week when you benefit from a full scholarship. Check out the resolution (Portuguese only).

Master and Doctorate scholarships:

Development agency that grant through specific notices and regulations: CAPES / FAPERGS grants, CNPq grants, and CAPES grants.

Graduate Program in Mathematical Modeling

Master's and Doctoral Degree

Grade 4

Linguistic Proficiency

Within a period of 24 months, and before the Thesis Defense Banking, the student must  have passed a foreign language proficiency examination carried out by the Department of UNIJUÍ responsible for the area of letters or by an external institution officially accredited for this purpose by the Official bodies of promotion to the Stricto Sensu Postgraduate Courses in the Country.

The approval of the proficiency exam for the Master's Course must be in a foreign language. The English, Spanish, French, Italian and German languages are accepted by the Program.

Graduate Program in Mathematical Modeling

Master's and Doctoral Degree

Grade 4

History and Proposal of the Program

Mathematical Modeling is a scientific area that extensively uses Mathematics and Scientific Computing. It uses mathematical and computational methods in the elaboration of mathematical models and the search for solutions to current problems in the most diverse areas of knowledge.

Currently modeling is used in areas such as mathematics, physics, condensed matter physics, systems identification, dynamical systems, mechanical systems control, grain storage and drying, gap control strategies in the production of petroleum, wireless sensor networks, mobile robotics, mathematical modeling through metaheuristics; plant breeding, physiology of cultivated plants, veterinary medicine, production of new materials for engineering, control and automation of systems, microelectronics among others.

Mathematical modeling has the improvement of production processes as its fundamental theme, especially in the regional agro-industrial sector and in all of Brazil, as well as the training of professionals to work in higher education.

The Master's degree lasts 24 months and offers 25 vacancies yearly. 32 credits, that is, 480 hours, are organized and offered on a semester basis, with classes on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays.

The Doctorate degree lasts 48 months and offers yearly 10 vacancies.  48 credits, that is, 720 hours, are offered from Monday to Wednesday.

Target Audience

The Program covers professionals with a higher education diploma in Mathematics, Physics, Engineering, Agrarian Sciences, Veterinary Medicine, Computing and / or related areas.

Graduate Program in Mathematical Modeling

Master's and Doctoral Degree

Grade 4

Faculty and Coordinator

Permanent Faculty

Name E-mail Title Lattes Master Doctorate
Airam Teresa Zago Romcy Sausen (Coordenador) Doctor View lattes
Antonio Carlos Valdiero Doctor View lattes
Fabricia Carneiro Roos Frantz Doctor View lattes
Fernanda da Cunha Pereira Doctor View lattes
José Antonio Gonzalez da Silva Doctor View lattes
Luiz Antônio Rasia Doctor View lattes
Manuel Martin Perez Reimbold Doctor View lattes
Manuel Osorio Binelo Doctor View lattes
Paulo Sérgio Sausen Doctor View lattes
Rafael Zancan Frantz Doctor View lattes
Sandro Sawicki Post doctoral View lattes


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