Graduate Program in Mathematical Modeling - Unijuí

Master's and Doctoral Degree

Grade 4

Concentration area and lines of research

Mathematical Modeling (MM) is an area of knowledge that is essentially interdisciplinary, not restricted to any technical-scientific discipline that can be found in the curricula of math, engineering or even computing courses. MM studies the simulation of real systems from the application of mathematics aiming to describe and predict mathematically the behavior of a phenomenon. In this area of knowledge human resources are developed to use the mathematical tool in the placement and resolution of problems in different areas of knowledge contributing to the development of the region and the country. Professionals with this profile are scarce in Brazil, especially in regions far away from large centers. Professionals qualified in MM have a different profile from any others, since besides the knowledge in mathematics and computing they distinguish themselves from other professionals by the knowledge in the subject areas contemplated by the MM, among them the physics, mathematics, computation and Engineering, among others.

Line: Mathematical Modeling Applied to Biosystems Engineering

The line of Mathematical Modeling Research Applied to Biosystems Engineering aims to use mathematical modeling applied in an interdisciplinary way in the areas of engineering, physics, chemistry and biological sciences for technological development and innovation in the fields of agriculture, post-harvest technology, veterinary, systems automation, sensors, bioenergy, natural resources and sustainability.

Line: Computational Modeling, Optimization and Systems Control

The line of Research Computational Modeling, Optimization and Control of Systems comprises study, application and / or development of mathematical models and computational modeling techniques for the solution of interdisciplinary problems. This line also includes researches that apply techniques of optimization and control of dynamic systems as well as problems related to non-linear systems covering the use of mathematical / computational models in the perspective of support to decision making processes, emphasizing the fundamental theoretical questions and their applications.

See Study regulations and study guide

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