Desafio do Dia das Línguas Estrangeiras: US Cuisine - Unijuí



Desafio do Dia das Línguas Estrangeiras: US Cuisine

When you think of traditional “American” cuisine, you most likely think of hamburgers and french fries, which is not an incorrect assumption. The fried food in the United States is quite incredible, and even branches out into fried Oreos and fried ice cream. However, I want to tell you that there is no traditional American food. Along with greasy fried food, you also have regional foods and even homemade meals that dominate families across the country, such as casseroles, stews, and dips. 

Because of the United States’ diverse cultural background due to immigration, there are many different dishes that represent the country. What you are eating depends a lot on the region of the United States in which you are in. For example, in states like Texas and California, there is a heavy Mexican population, so you will find foods like tacos, enchiladas, fajitas, elotes, etc. in this region. If you go a little further north into Louisiana, you find more creole foods, like gumbo or barbeque. Then, all the way over in the East coast, a lot of European and Caribbean immigrants found their home, so foods like pizza, bagels, jerk chicken, plátanos, and empanadas are much more common there. 

Despite all of the amazing food that is created and consumed throughout the country, my favorite dish is made by my grandmother at her house, and has been for decades. My grandmother’s side of the family is German and Polish, which is very common for the Midwest. Because of this, a lot of the dishes that I grew up with come from this cuisine, which is where chicken paprikash originated. A delicious soup/stew-like meal, it is made with chicken, cream, and dumplings. It is the perfect dish for a rainy, cool day. 

So, wherever you are in the United States, make sure to check out as many restaurants as you can, because chances are, you will travel the world in the space of one state or even a block.

Analee Davis

English Teaching Assistant (ETA) 

No dia 10 de maio, pelo terceiro ano consecutivo, a Unijuí promove o Dia das Línguas Estrangeiras.

Por isso, nosso Comunica traz, hoje, uma série de matérias em diferentes idiomas, como uma das ações que têm o objetivo de que a comunidade acadêmica desenvolva competências além do idioma nativo, para evidenciar a importância de aprender uma língua estrangeira, aproveitando oportunidades profissionais, educacionais e de lazer. 

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